A Little About EBLUG...

about EBLUG

The East Bay Linux Users Group was established to provide a Linux group that would be more accessible to persons who live between San Francisco and Silicon Valley. We meet on the third Wednesday of every month between the hours of 7pm and typically 10pm however, it is very common for meetings to last significantly longer depending on the level of discussion or the degree to which members get involved into group projects. Our members include engineers, system administrators, programmers, business owners, independent contractors and students.

We do our best to provide guest speakers from local companies to give presentations involving Linux use within industries or new ways in which Linux is being used by group members. Some meetings are simply "open discussion" in which members freely converse among themselves and discuss various topics involving Linux and open source use involved in their everyday activities.

Food and refreshments are provided by our host at every meeting and special requests can often be supplied to those who make guest appearances and presentations.


About our Host

Hurricane Electric is an internationally recognized colocation provider and the largest IPv6 backbone in the world! They incorporate over 80 exchange points to over 3400 networks crossing the globe on an all fiber network.

Hurricane Electric also provides a FREE tunnelbroker service that allows customers to connect directly to the IPv6 network.

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